
Building Area: 12,800 sf (6 units)
Cost per Square Foot: $225 per SF
Completion Date: October 2014
Luxus Germantown is a six unit townhome “for sale” product in the heart of the historic Germantown area of Nashville, just north of the Capital.
Luxus addresses a specific need for “smart density” driven urban infill because it balances the modern demand for larger square footage homes while adapting into the existing historic fabric of a neighborhood. It maintains and promotes the neighborhood’s historic character through detail driven design while maintaining its modern identity. Emphasis on setbacks, rhythm and spacing complete the empty puzzle piece where an empty lot once sat vacant for many years.
The design of the exterior of the homes are a contemporary interpretation of the Second Empire Victorian Architectural style. The design response uniquely compliments the existing historic characteristics of many older homes found within Germantown without literal replication. This design utilizes a Mansard roof concept to conceal both it’s overall scale and the private rooftop decks which are a big selling feature and coveted outdoor amenity of the homes. The prominent turret element found on the corner home formally addresses and anchors the development to the urban street corner. All six homes have repetitive entries and similar detailing at the pedestrian level but the overall designs of each home have a layering of elements that distinguish each individual identity from one another. All of these individual design characteristics contribute to the overall quality of the response and presentation that distinguishes this development.